You already know how it is - good job, get alert, money flies before month-end, sapa shows face. The typical Nigerian salary wahala! Despite earning a decent income, I always found myself broke a few days after getting paid. Overdraft fees? I have been there, borrowing money from loan apps.

It was a never-ending cycle of spending recklessly, struggling to save, and counting down the days till the next paycheck. I'm sure many of you Naija fam can relate! That's just how we have been programmed na - enjoy life a little too much first, then panic towards month-end.

But then one day, my friend Bisola from Shomolu wouldn't stop raving about this app called CashMobile that changed her financial life. At first, I didn't pay it much mind, but her constant "You need to get CashMobile" nagging finally made me curious.

I reluctantly downloaded the app, but damn was I blown away! CashMobile is like having your personal finance guru and accountant in your pocket. One of the biggest flex for me was the pocket feature helps me budget for the stuff that matters - it was a game-changer.

Another interesting innovation was CashTap - CashMobile's contactless payment feature. The pocket feature made sure No more "Sapa, I no get cash" wahala. I could simply separate money for various purposes into different pockets, their debit card was also self-activated meaning no need for a bank branch visit. Bye-bye to reckless spending and debt!

Within the first month of using CashMobile religiously, I was able to identify my money-draining habits and patch those leaks. But CashMobile didn't just expose the issues, it helped me fix them with practical steps. I genuinely felt like I had control over my finances for the first time as an adult.

Fast forward a few months later, and I had actually developed a serious savings culture! Who would have thought? CashMobile made budgeting so easy, I was hoarding cash without even realizing it.

These days, I'm all about investing in myself and my future. No more reckless spending or living paycheck-to-paycheck.

If there's one financial advice I can give, it's to join the CashMobile clan ASAP. This Nigerian fintech CashAfrica has truly been a life-saver and money maker. No more salary wahala for me, thanks to CashMobile!

Excerpts from User Experience Interviews.
By CashAfrica